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Ticking off wish list ✓

Helloooo blog, it's been a while since I pour my random-est thought here. Because all ideas that came as blog post is of course curated with time and love (roll eyes). Tehee.

Okay, so everyone of course have somewhat a wishlist of what they want to accomplish in short and long term. For me, this year, one of my biggest wishlist that I really need to tick off is A FREAKING NEW HANDPHONE! Like now now now.

You guys can't probably tell but I've been using an old iPhone 4s that I bought as soon as it was released in 2012. So this year is 2017 and I still used that 16 GB old iPhone that lags-everytime-I-opened-the-freaking-phone-because-it-only-has-500MB-memory-left.


So, this year I'm going for once and for all terminate this long wait. Actually I wanted to upgrade to the new iPhone 7 Plus but the price here is super cekik darah so it's a big no no. But when you look at my choice of phone of course you gonna be rolling your eyes while saying its-the-same-expensiveness-who-are-you-kidding? kinda expression. (hides under my table)

Sooo channng!

1)First choice

Samsung Galaxy S8 in Coral Blue

I've been eyeing this phone since its launch and just look at that display plus the gorgeousness of the blue colour option which are of course not available in Malaysia currently while I'm typing this. Because I'm that stubborn so I'm going to wait for the colour to be available~! If not what is the point of paying a whopping RM3299 for this phone? yep guys this phone cause almost as much as I had to pay to get Boong Boongie.

2)Second choice

Huawei P10 in Rose Gold

For this one, I have to admit it screams Vivy Yusof influence all over it. Well, not much because she owns a P9 but she basically introduce me to the brand flagship. My sister also own a Huawei phone, Huawei Y6 and I myself own a porta wifi from Huawei brand. They are definitely stepping their games up here with all those beautiful colours but sadly it is not available fast enough in Malaysia to attracts potential buyer like me who is dying to get my hand on the rose gold version. This phone is excellent for those who want to take beautiful picture as it offers excellent craftsmanship for much much cheaper than iPhone or Samsung. I guess I'll wait and see.

3) Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge in Coral Blue

Seriously guys I don't know anymore. Smartphones these days are SUPER EXPENSIVES WHY OH WHYYY? Have you heard that a laptop also cost around that much so it's crazy to spend so much on phone. But of course if you want a good camera plus a device that can connect you to the whole world in matter of second and as compact as it can be, smartphone is the way to go. Especially with Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge that is still one of the best phone of 2016 (plus it's water resistant)! I was contemplating a bit because I saw that the phone price has been marked down a lot online but still as expensive as it was on release date in retail store. And it's last year hardware and software so being a kiasu me of course I want the latest hardware and software available.

Price point:

Samsung Galaxy S8: RM3299

Huawei P10: RM2499

Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge: RM3099 (as of not marked down yet)

Maybe I should write the pros and cons of each phone in my next entry so that you will know why I'm not grabbing the Huawei P10 yet. Okay till then, this girl has a lot of comparison to do.


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