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Resepi asam pedas kambing

Yooo, never thought of cooking kambing as main ingredients in asam pedas? Think again, because it is super delicioso! (look at picture *drooolllll*)

Bahan bahan A:

(Digoreng kemudian ditumbuk/diblend halus)

1 camca besar ketumbar biji 1/2 camca teh jintan manis 1/2 camca teh jintan putih 1 camca teh lada hitam

Bahan bahan B

(Diblend halus)

8-10 biji cili kering (direndam dalam air panas,dibelah dua dan dibuang biji) 8 biji bawang merah kecil 4 ulas bawang putih 2 inci halia 1/2 inci lengkuas 1 inci kunyit hidup

Bahan bahan:

1 kg daging kambing

1 inci halia (dihiris nipis)

5 ulas bawang putih (diketuk)

15 biji tomato ceri (dibelah dua) atau 2 biji tomato biasa (dibelah empat)

2 kuntum bunga kantan (dibelah dua)

1 genggam daun kesom 2 batang serai (diketuk)

1 cawan jus asam jawa Garam dan gula secukup rasa Air secukupnya (pro tips: guna air rebusan daging kambing)

How to cook the awesome kambing asam pedas!

Okay this version is how I'm cooking the asam pedas plus some tips from internet because I know kambing is not easy to cook.

Prepping the goat meat

For the goat meat, I know it can be super 'hamis' but when you are cleaning it, clean it with water first and afterwards add some flour and lime juice and prep it for 20 minutes. After cleaning all that goo from your meat, toss all of 'em inside a pot, add enough water but not too much, add some ginger, a few cloves of garlic and one tea spoon of salt. Boils the meat until it's all tender and soft. Please keep the water from the meat because we will need it later to add more flavor to the asam pedas!

Side note: if you are using a pressure cooker, it will take about 15-20 minutes.

Fun part, cooking the asam pedas

Okay now we're talking! Prepare a medium size pot and pour some oil in it (about 1/3 of a cup). 'Tumis' the lemongrass with the blended B ingredients until the smell rise and your house is filled with delicious smell! You have to stir well until the oil has risen up and the chili color turn into a deeper red. Now, we can add the blended ingredients A which is all the spices needed to add more flavor to our asam pedas! Stir well and let it to cook for about 15 minutes.


Add the goat meat, mix well and add in the water that we used to boil the goat meat (please filter out any chunks of fat as we don't want that), add more water if needed. After it all boils down, add in tamarind water, torch ginger and Vietnamese cilantro. Mix well and left for 10-15 minutes.


Now, add salt and a little bit of sugar. Season to taste to balance the flavor. Lastly add your tomatoes and cook just enough for the tomatoes to become soft. You can serve the asam pedas with hot white rice, super duper droollsss!


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